Conveyor Belt Magnets

[vc_wp_text]Cross Belt Magnets and Magnetic Separation Pulleys

The cross belt magnet is manufactured with a powerful plate magnet, heavy duty steel frame, vulcanised rubber belt and a motor and reducer. The magnet may be suspended either cross belt (perpendicular to the product flow) or inline (parallel above the product flow). Our Cross belt magnetic separators are used across many industries for extraction of tramp metal including coal processing, aggregate recycling, crushing and shredding applications, concrete and asphalt recycling, scrap yard recycling, slag processing, tire recycling and wood processing. Cross Belt Magnets are the solution to the continuous removal of tramp iron and ferrous contamination from a diverse range of conveyed materials.

Permanent magnetic pulleys are ideally installed to replace the head pulley of a conveyor conveying dry material. Belting and Structure magnetic pulleys are engineered to offer exceptional removal of ferrous contamination such as nails, spikes, nuts, bolts, tools, and wire from conveyors in a vast range of applications including: the paper, wood, plastic, steel, fire, municipal recycling and industrial industries. With maintenance free operation our tough Magnetic Separation Head Pulleys continuously remove and discharge tramp metal from the product flow for both product purification and materials separation. Magnetic Separation pulleys are very economical solution for ferrous removal as they can be used to replace the existing head pulleys to turn a material handling conveyor into a magnetic separation conveyor. Magnetic Separation Pulleys are often used in conjunction with an cross belt magnet when trying to separate deep or very dense burdens or to maximise product cleanliness.[/vc_wp_text]